シュノーケル コーラル ガーデン


コーラルガーデン マウイ島最大のサンゴ礁で、ハワイ最古のサンゴ礁構造の一部が 100 エーカー以上にわたって広がっています。 It’s known for its stunningly vibrant and healthy coral reef ecosystem, teeming with marine life. The underwater spectacle of colors has given Coral Gardens its befitting name. Coral Gardens has giant coral formations that are over 500 years old. It’s one of the best places for snorkeling in Hawaii.

Coral Gardens is located just south of Olowalu and Lahaina. It faces the beautiful West Maui Mountains. This area was formed when lava flows spread across the ocean floor nearly half a million years ago. These volcanic ‘fingers’ provide the perfect environment for marine life to thrive making it a top destination to snorkel. マウイ島シュノーケリング オールインクルーシブの 5時間朝のモロキニクレーターシュノーケリングツアー モロキニクレーター 2つ目の場所(コーラルガーデンまたは タートルタウン). Snorkelers can enjoy some of the マウイ島で最高のシュノーケリング! 3時間マウイ島シュノーケル&スライドツアー コーラルガーデンにもよく来ます!

Coral Gardens is a great spot for beginner and intermediate snorkelers. Its shallow waters and steep cliffs protect it from strong trade winds. This makes it a good choice when other places in Maui are too windy for snorkeling. Its waters are often calm and clear, offering excellent visibility for observing the marine biodiversity below the surface. 

Get ready to see a stunning variety of tropical fish. Many of these fish are only found in Hawaii’s waters. Butterflyfish, angelfish, parrotfish, surgeonfish, damselfish, and triggerfish are all represented, as is each rainbow color! In addition, Coral Gardens is home to larger marine animals. This includes the famous ハワイのアオウミガメ, eels, crabs, and even octopuses.


おそらく最も印象的な特徴は コーラルガーデン is its namesake coral. This is undoubtedly the crowning jewel. The reef is home to many types of hard and soft corals. They show a stunning range of colors, shapes, and sizes. Each type plays a special role in the healthy underwater ecosystem. The underwater landscape at Coral Gardens is a living kaleidoscope that never fails to impress visitors.

Hard corals, such as cauliflower, lace, and rice coral, are the main building blocks of the reef. Their stony, calcium carbonate skeletons provide essential habitats and shelter for many marine creatures. Their surface patterns look like maze-like whorls and branches. They resemble tiny cities under the sea, full of life and activity.

Imagine yourself シュノーケリング in this fantastic underwater scene. Bright yellows, glowing oranges, calm blues, and rich purples change and sparkle as you swim. Sunlight shines through the water, lighting up the corals and creating a beautiful glow on the sea floor. The dynamic panorama that Coral Gardens offer is not just beautiful, it’s alive. It’s a thriving, breathing testament to the beauty and resilience of our marine ecosystems. The underwater scene at Coral Gardens is full of different corals. It’s a living tapestry that always impresses visitors. This place is known as a top spot for snorkeling and diving.


Coral Gardens has more than just coral and fish. It also has unique underwater features. There are crevices, caves, and overhangs for snorkelers to explore. These unique formations offer homes and hiding spots for many sea creatures. This adds an exciting element of discovery to the experience!

The diverse marine life, the vibrant corals, the intriguing topography, and the favorable snorkeling conditions make Coral Gardens a must-visit snorkeling destination in Maui! You can enjoy snorkeling at Coral Gardens, whether you’re a beginner or experienced. The underwater beauty and calmness will amaze you.


Occasionally, our morning trips travel to Coral Gardens. On our famous boat, The Lani Kai II, this tour operates from 7 AM to 12 PM, seven days a week. これ 午前のツアー 含まれるもの our state-of-the-art snorkeling equipment, ensuring a premium snorkeling experience. Our friendly staff offers training on board for beginners or anyone needing a refresher. This training gives you the skills and confidence to enjoy your underwater exploration at Coral Gardens. We also provide optical masks and flotation devices to ensure everyone has an enjoyable and comfortable snorkeling experience

楽しみも忘れてません! ラニ カイ II スリリングな 25フィートのウォータースライド that will excite both the young and the young at heart. When you’re not snorkeling, you can ride the slide! After exploring the underwater world, you can refuel with our deli lunch, which is included in your tour. We keep you refreshed during the journey with a variety of drinks. Enjoy coffee, tea, juices, and soft drinks, all available for you. マウイ シュノーケリングの 5 時間朝のモロキニ クレーター シュノーケリング ツアー 今すぐコーラルガーデンへ!


The 3-Hour Afternoon Tour to Coral Gardens runs daily from 1 PM to 4 PM aboard the renowned Lani Kai II. Each tour includes top-notch snorkeling gear to enhance your experience in the water. Whether you are a beginner or need a quick refresher, our friendly staff is here to help. We provide training right on the boat. This way, you can dive confidently into your snorkeling adventure at Coral Gardens. For added comfort and safety, optical masks and flotation devices are also provided.

シュノーケリングだけでは楽しみは終わりません。ラニ カイ II には、スリル満点の 25 フィートのウォーター スライドがあり、水上での楽しみを求めるあらゆる年齢層のゲストに最適です。海洋生物を探索していないときは、スライドを滑降できます。さらに、おいしいデリ ランチを楽しんだり、さまざまなジュースやソフトドリンクで水分補給したりできます。これらはすべてツアーに含まれています。

楽しいひとときをお見逃しなく。マウイ・シュノーケリングの 3時間マウイ島シュノーケル&スライドツアー 今日はコーラルガーデンへ!

