Snorkel South Maui Turtle Town

Immerse yourself in the wonders of South Maui’s pristine environment and extraordinary underwater world. The underwater sea caves and abundant algae flora create the ideal environment to encounter one of Hawai’i’s most beloved sea creatures, the Hawaiian Sea Turtle. Frequently cited as one of the most sought-after snorkeling destination, South Maui’s Schildkrötenstadt guarantees an unforgettable aquatic adventure.
South Maui’s beautiful white sand beaches and rocky outcrops have created a beautiful environment for two of Maui’s sea turtle populations: the Hawaiian Green Sea Turtle and the Hawaiian Hawksbill Honu.
The Hawaiian green sea turtle, known as Honu, thrives along the rugged outcrops of historic lava flows. Many of these lava tubes extended into the ocean, creating sea caves for turtles to rest. Honu also seek out the many “cleaning stations”, reef areas teeming with Hawaiian cleaner wrasse and a multitude of colorful surgeon fish that clean and care for the green sea turtles along with other marine life in the area.
The Hawaiian Hawksbill, Honu ‘ea, can also be found along the South Maui Coast. This critically endangered species feeds on corals and sponges in the area. They are typically spotted more seasonally between June and October when they are known to haul out on shore and lay their nests. A single female can lay between 3 to 5 nests of over 100 eggs in a single season. Currently, there are only around 136 known Hawksbill turtles in the entire Island chain, and South Maui is one of their most frequently spotted areas.
Aside from the sea turtles, South Maui coast has a wide and diverse ecosystem where you’ll find the waters full of a variety of colorful tropical fish, a plethora of marine invertebrates, and for the lucky few, the chance to see a manta ray or small reef sharks cruising the many cleaning stations that cover the shoreline.
5-stündige Maui-Schnorcheltour am Morgen
If you want to snorkel with the Hawaiian sea turtles, then Maui Snorkeling’s 5-hour Morning Molokini Crater Snorkeling Tour is for you. This trip also stops in Molokini, a world-famous offshore reef, but it allows the opportunity for a second stop along Maui’s south coast to encounter one of these amazing marine turtles thriving in their natural environment. This snorkel trip is not just an excursion; it’s an expedition into an awe-inspiring underwater world.
This trip operates from 7 AM to 12 PM, seven days a week, on our famous boat, The Lani Kai II. Included in this Morgentour is our state-of-the-art snorkeling equipment, ensuring a premium snorkeling experience. For beginners or those needing a refresher, our friendly and professional staff provide onboard training, equipping you with the skills and confidence to fully enjoy your underwater exploration at Turtle Town. To ensure everyone has an enjoyable and comfortable snorkeling experience, we also provide optical masks and flotation devices. These devices ensure that you can snorkel effortlessly and focus on the stunning marine life.
Auch der Spaß kommt nicht zu kurz! Die Lani Kai II bietet eine spannende 25 Fuß lange Wasserrutsche das sowohl die Jungen als auch die Junggebliebenen begeistern wird. Wenn Sie nicht schnorcheln, können Sie die Rutsche hinunterrutschen! Nachdem Sie die Unterwasserwelt erkundet haben, können Sie mit unserem Delikatessen-Mittagessen, das in Ihrer Tour inbegriffen ist, neue Kraft tanken. Außerdem halten wir Sie während der gesamten Fahrt mit einer Auswahl an Getränken, darunter Kaffee, Tee, verschiedene Säfte und Erfrischungsgetränke, erfrischt.
Egal, ob Sie Schnorchel-Neuling, Meeresliebhaber oder einfach jemand sind, der die Schönheit der Natur zu schätzen weiß, Turtle Town bietet ein unvergessliches Erlebnis. Mit seinem reichhaltigen Meeresleben, seinen einzigartigen geologischen Besonderheiten und der Möglichkeit, die verehrten hawaiianischen grünen Meeresschildkröten zu sehen, ist es zweifellos ein Highlight unter Mauis vielen Meeresattraktionen. Zögern Sie also nicht länger und besuchen Sie Turtle Town noch heute! Lassen Sie sich vom Zauber der hawaiianischen grünen Meeresschildkröten und des farbenfrohen Riffs verzaubern. Es gibt keine bessere Möglichkeit, die unvergleichliche Schönheit von Maui, Hawaii, zu erleben.
Was an added bonus that we got to see a bunch of whales besides the beautiful views and snorkeling.
+ the vegan/veggie options were really really good! Much appreciated